

Blogging has honestly been something I’ve thought about starting for a long time but I’ve never had the confidence to put my thoughts or ideas out there. (I am still shocked that I’ve made it as far as writing this post.) With this whole pandemic and quarantine situation, I found myself lacking any sort of passion or hobby to fill in my spare time. I felt like I could be doing something more productive than watching YouTube videos and Netflix.

I’ve always loved writing. From my embarrassing teenage”livejournal” days, to completing boring research papers for college; writing has always been the thing that gives me relief. When I’m finished writing, I get the feeling of being complete. You could probably compare it to what athletes would call a “runner’s high”. Between being in lock-down for the past few months and the lack of socialization a lot of us have been dealing with, I found myself missing social interaction. (Even though I’m an extreme introvert!)

I was constantly finding myself on social media watching other women post and do things that I have already done or am wanting to do. I love lifestyle blogs and posts. So, I thought why not become one of those women sharing their thoughts and ideas? Instead of hoarding my recipes, lists, and tricks; why don’t I share them with the world?

So here we are! Coffee and Kindness. Coffee: one of my favorite things on this earth, and kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, or considerate. I don’t want to come off as fake, but I truly believe in being kind and I try to give as much and as often as possible. I know we live in a cruel and effed up world right now. I also know that we all have moments of being mean and judgmental towards others, but I, personally, am striving to spread some love and kindness going forward. With that being said, I hope that I can offer some entertainment, ideas, and recipes for your enjoyment.

Thanks for reading. Have a great day!


  • Danielle Dobich

    So excited for you and can’t wait to read your blog while sipping my coffee!!! Love you!

  • Susan Ravotti

    Hi! Im sending you some positive energy because I would love to see us all find a way to help spread some very much needed kindness in these times!

  • Polly

    Awe Gina I am truly impressed. I believe everything you say cause I know what a sweetheart you truly are. Keep on writing

  • Margo

    I’m so glad you have the confidence to do this. You have such a genuine heart! Reading LiveJournal days made me lol. I’m looking forward to reading your stuff. Love you girl

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