
Setting Goals: Starting A Journey

I always used to wonder why so many people talked about resolutions and setting goals for themselves. It wasn’t until recently that I’ve really realized the importance of setting goals. When you set a goal for yourself, you’re working towards something and looking to achieve or accomplish whatever it is. You set your mind and your heart to something and you work at it everyday.

I’ve had a million things I’ve wanted to accomplish in my life so far. Some I’ve finished with flying colors, while other things I let fall to the wayside. A few things I never thought I’d accomplish, I pleasantly surprised myself with. Over the last few years I got away from dreaming and setting goals for myself. I was living my day to day and not working towards anything for the near future or even down the road. Until 2020, I wasn’t looking to accomplish anything. I was stuck. I was stagnant.


At the start of 2019, I noticed how many people were setting goals and resolutions for themselves for the New Year and discussing what they had accomplished over the previous year. I thought to myself, “wow, I didn’t really set any resolutions for myself in 2018 or for the last few years.” I guess the honest truth was that I wasn’t looking to better myself in any way. I wasn’t looking to make any changes in my life. But after hearing the amazing things that numerous people were doing in the course of a year, I realized that I was lacking that sort of challenge and motivation in my life. So, I decided to make a change.

I wouldn’t say that I neglected my goals and resolutions for that year, but I definitely didn’t apply myself 100%. Therefore, I did not achieve anything in 2019. When last year was over and I reflected on what I had NOT accomplished, I didn’t like the feeling of being defeated. Unfortunately, I had defeated myself. I was the only person to blame for not attaining the goals I had set for myself. I decided that 2020 was going to be my year to make some adjustments in my life. I wanted to set goals for myself and see if I could actually achieve them.


Six months into 2020, life has not gone as planned for anyone, however I can say that I put a dent in achieving some of the things I hoped to do this year. I have realized that I don’t want to be stagnant anymore. I want to thrive, and I want to be the best version of myself going forward. No, I haven’t followed my own guidelines perfectly. Which is okay! Trial and error, right? I am trying, I am working, and I am still making progress. Some days I take a few steps back before I move forward, but I keep going with my end goals in sight.   

As of today, I have finally completed the first goal on my list. A goal that I’ve been dreaming about since 2018. (My goals are listed below) I am thrilled and relieved to have accomplished it! But, instead of just being satisfied that I achieved it, I am making a new goal to try to reach now.

Going Forward

Now I get it. I get why people set goals for themselves. I understand the fulfillment you get once you achieve that goal. I see the discipline and hard work that goes into setting a goal and working towards attaining it. The end result is so much more than you can imagine and it often times pushes you to want to do even more, and to go farther than you thought you ever could.

To conclude, I want to share with you some of the goals that I set for myself for 2020. Even if you didn’t start a goal or resolution list at the beginning of the year, it’s never too late to start!

Gina’s 2020 Goal List
  1. Lose the baby weight- get back to “pre-Cameron” weight (GOAL ACHIEVED!)
  2. Read from the bible every day
  3. Continue to workout 4x per week with or without seeing the results
  4. Find a hobby that I truly enjoy!
  5. Make time for self-care

I also just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your kind words, support, and feedback with starting this blog. I truly appreciate everything!

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